We've come to the realization that every anniversary has been spent in a different city; year 1 was in Paris, year 2 was in Toronto, and now year 3 in St. John's. We're hoping to spend our 4th anniversary in London, England.
So to commemorate the occassion I thought I'd post our wedding vows, a wedding photo, and a photo from this anniversary. Our vows still say perfectly how I feel about Chris.
I love you! You are my best friend, my love, and my future. I pledge to be true and loyal to you, to support your dreams, and offer you courage through all your endeavors. I promise all my heart's devotion and a hand to hold in yours through each tomorrow. You are my hope, my strength and my inspiration, and I promise to be yours. From this day forward, you shall never walk alone. My heart will be your shelter, and my arms will be your home.