Thursday, April 21, 2011

We have a walker!!!!

Aurora took her first step on March 16, 2011. She was 9.5 months old. Then on April 6, 3 weeks later, she took 7 steps. And now she is a walking machine. She prefers to go from a piece of furniture to an arbitrary spot in the middle of the room (or vice versa) and still uses cruising and crawling as her main modes of transportation but she now walking on a daily basis. She always has to have something in her hands (or mouth) when she's walking, I guess for balance like a tight-rope walker holding onto a bar. It's hard to get video of her walking because she gets very excited when she sees the camera and wants it. She has to concentrate very hard to walk and so when she's excited she's more likely to crawl. We are so extremely proud of her and this huge achievement, but it's also a bit sad that she is growing up so fast. I wish I could freeze time. Here is a video of her walking on April 13, 2011 (she is 10.5 months old).