Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Christmas with an 18, almost 19, month old was so fun! Aurora loves unwrapping presents, and everything had to be immediately opened. It was fun to see which gifts excited her, which scared her, and which she didn't care about until the next day. She couldn't stop playing with her Littlest Pet Shop elephant from Auntie Amy, Uncle Todd, and cousins Lucy and Cole and wasn't interested in opening any other presents for a while afterwards. She was excited about her Cookie Monster toy while it was in the package but as soon as he spoke she got scared and ran away. It took Chris playing with it with the sound off for her to get relatively close. And yesterday was the first time she actually put the cookies in Cookie Monster's mouth; before that she was giving them to us to put in. She takes the puzzle pieces off her puzzles but gets frustrated trying to put them back and just leaves them lying on the floor. She's played cars, made music, pushed her babies around in their stroller and carried them in their carrier, and taken many pictures with her camera. We still need to blow up and assemble her ball pit/fort but I think that'll have to wait until the Christmas tree is gone so we have room.

Sophie slept through the entire gift opening process so we opened her presents for her. Although she may not appreciate what she got, Chris and I sure do!

We have no plans for New Years Eve/New Years Day. There are fireworks at both 9pm and midnight in downtown Brampton so I'm thinking of keeping Aurora up for the 9pm fireworks cuz we should be able to see them from our apartment (our window faces downtown and we were able to see them last year).

Sophie sleeping on some presents

2011 Sherwin family Christmas morning photo

Bambie and the girls

Aurora opening a present

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and all the best in 2012!
Happy New Year!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Our newest family member

Just when I thought November was pretty uneventful for us, my water broke on November 25 and our second daughter, Sophie Laine Sherwin, was born on November 26.

I set a deadline for myself to have my Christmas shopping done by Dec 1 (my due date was Dec 7). I was Christmas shopping, alone, on November 23 when I felt a gush. I immediately thought, “oh no, I think my water broke”. I called Chris to let him know what happened and that I was going to find a washroom to check. I slowly walked through the mall (nervous that if it was my water breaking I’d end up with a huge puddle at my feet) and finally found a washroom about 10 minutes later. It turned out to be my mucous plug. With Aurora I lost my mucous plug when my water broke so this was new to me. I called Chris back to let him know, and that night we researched what that meant in terms of the onset of labour. I read it could be hours to weeks, and I was 38w so wasn’t as anxious as I was in that washroom.

In the middle of the night on November 25 I felt a gush when I changed positions. Then that morning I felt another gush while standing holding Aurora. I was concerned my water was leaking slowly. Luckily I had an OB appt early that afternoon and the OB checked to see if it was amniotic fluid; it wasn’t. She said it was normal discharge for that point in pregnancy (38w2d). At about 5:45p I had another gush while cooking dinner, followed by another, and another. I told Chris I thought it was my water breaking but didn’t want to seem like the boy that cried wolf as I thought it was that just 4 hours earlier and it wasn’t. He asked if I wanted to go to the hospital to have it checked and I said no, I’d wait it out. I continued to make dinner all the while the leaking increased in frequency and amount. I knew at this point it was in fact my water breaking. I used the trick I used with Aurora and put a size 5 diaper in my underwear so I could somewhat function while this was going on. I called my sister Danna to give her the heads up as she would be taking care of Aurora while Chris and I were at the hospital, and she was also my secondary couch if need be (and then my sister-in-law Alex would have watched Aurora). I decided to eat dinner, call the hospital, then call Danna back to giver her an update. When I called the hospital around 7pm contractions still hadn’t started. The triage nurse told me to go to the hospital around 9:30/10p if nothing happened, but in the meantime to do a lot of walking. By the time I got to my Danna’s house it was close to 9pm. I still hadn’t had any contractions. I put Aurora to bed and decided to go for a walk with my sisters around the neighbourhood to see if the contractions would start on their own as I didn’t want to be induced like I was with Aurora. I was angry at my body for not starting to have contractions on its own since it seemed I was going down the same road as I did with Aurora. I decided to do lunges while walking which seemed to only cause muscle soreness and fatigue. Finally at 11:20p I had my first contraction. After that the contractions came sporadically and the duration and intensity varied. Sometimes they were 20 minutes apart, sometimes 7. Sometimes I could talk and laugh during them, other times I had to tune everyone out. I called the hospital again around 1:30a and informed them of what transpired since my first call. The nurse actually got angry at me that I hadn’t gone in like she told me and told me to go in then…so I did. My sisters drove Chris and me to the hospital and we arrived around 2am on November 26.

I was checked by the doctor in Labour and Delivery around 2:30a and was 1cm and I believe the baby was high. I was moved to a birthing room at 4:30a. My nurse asked me if I wanted an epidural and at what point and I told her yes but wanted to be checked to see how far along as I was as I didn’t want to get it early and seem like a wimp. At that point the contractions were painful but manageable. I was 2cm and 60% effaced. The anaesthesiologist was next door doing an epi and I was given the option of getting it then. I agreed to that because really, why be in pain if I didn’t have to be? I got the epidural at 4:50a, and I did not remember it being that painful with Aurora. The pressure was incredible. I had a contraction while getting the epidural and tried my hardest not to move; it’s hard to say which hurt more, getting the epi or the contraction. Once I had the epidural I was in heaven! I couldn’t feel a thing. The epi took better this time than it did with Aurora as with Aurora I was still in pain and pressing my top up button fairly frequently. I was given oxytocin at 5:20a because my contractions were 4-5 minutes apart and they wanted them to be 2-3 minutes apart. At this point I tried to sleep but feel I really only rested and closed my eyes. It certainly didn’t feel like I slept. Around 6a I was experiencing a lot of pain. It started on my left side and moved to my entire lower abdomen as well as my thighs. I was having difficulty breathing through the contractions, and felt it would be helpful to kick my legs whenever I was having a contraction. Chris had to keep reminding me to breath through the contractions. At some point I was given an oxygen mask because baby’s heartrate was extremely affected by the contractions. My nurse said to give my top up button some time to kick in and if in half an hour I was still in pain she’d get the anaesthesiologist. She also checked my progress and I was 4cm dilated. My nurse ended up having to get the anaesthesiologist and around 6:45a my epi was increased. I was in heaven again once that kicked in. At 7:30a I was told I was fully dilated but they wanted my freezing to wear off a bit for pushing. My nurse also left at this time as her shift was over; I was disappointed she wouldn’t be there for the birth as we got to know and liked her. Very shortly after my nurse left, the doctor came in and told me to hold my legs and start pushing. I couldn’t feel a thing and so just told myself to push like I did for Aurora At 7:43a, after approximately 5 minutes of pushing, second daughter was born! Chris watched the whole thing and once the baby was out he looked at me and said, in a shocked voice, “it’s a girl”. My response: “really?????” I was so sure we were having a boy. I tried looking through my legs to make sure he was right. We hummed and hawed over her name for a bit as it was between Sophie and Madison, and ended up naming her Sophie Laine. Sophie weighed 7lbs 13oz (heavier than Aurora), measured 19.5” long (shorter than Aurora), and her head circumference was 35cm (slightly bigger than Aurora).

When Aurora met Sophie that morning, she was instantly in love. She was very excited and giggling, beeped her nose a lot and asked for “up high”s (high 5s), and even sang Happy Birthday to her. She calls her “Dophie” which now seems to have become a nickname for her. It was great to see Aurora so welcoming of her little sister. I can’t wait to watch them grow up together and hopefully be the best of friends.

We had a few issues during the first week, breastfeeding, possible jaundice, but all is going well now. In the first few weeks Sophie was a very sleepy baby and rarely cried, which is the opposite of Aurora, and I often had to wake her to nurse (which contributed to the concern about jaundice). After visiting a breastfeeding clinic (three times) things are going better with breastfeeding and Sophie had passed her birth weight by the time she was 10 days old. She’s also more alert now and while she still sleeps a lot during the day she does have long wakeful moments in the middle of the night (which I'm not fond of).

It’s been a big adjustment going from a family of 3 to a family of 4. I find it hard to divide my time between both girls, and decide who to go to when they both need me at the same time. Getting out of the house in a timely fashion is a rarity. And I have to do most things, baby-wise and in general, due to Chris' health. I'm exhausted. But luckily Aurora is quite independent and not at all jealous of Sophie, and she loves to read so we snuggle and read a lot while I’m breastfeeding (or watch Yo Gabba Gabba).

And now for photos:

Our first photo with Sophie

Peeking over my shoulder

Sticking out her tongue

Our first family of 4 photo

Fast asleep and swaddled at the hospital

Going home

Sporting a handmade knit hat by a friend of mine (I tried to knit one as well but that didn't go so well. It's still not finished.)

Aurora and Sophie holding hands while both having a drink

Going to see Santa on December 2

Belly progression collage

Fast asleep

Our pretty girl

(Christmas post to come)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Photo update

Disclaimer - there are A LOT of photos but I did have to cover 6 months.

May 2011:
I think we're on our way to a birthday party for one of Aurora's friends.

Canoeing at the Toronto Zoo.

Outside the orangutan exhibit at the Toronto Zoo.

Birthday girls!

Aurora enjoying her birthday cupcake.

Aurora's going to be a big sister!

Proud grandparents.

Birthday dinner out (Nana, Grandpa, Aunt Danna, Uncle Rod, Zachary, Chris, and the 2 birthday girls).

Growth photo collage (I missed a 3 month photo cuz the giraffe was in storage).

June 2011:
13w6d ultrasound of Baby Sherwin 2.0.

Our 5 year wedding anniversary!

Drooling over pickles.

At her cousin Oliver's birthday party.

She plays in her bouncy chair now more than when she was a baby.

Aurora and the belly at 17 weeks pregnant.

Wagon ride.

July 2011:
Happy Canada Day!

At a play date.

Checking out the beluga whales at MarineLand.

Yummy cheese!

18w3d ultrasound.

At a splash pad.

Our sweet little girl.

Family portrait care of the iPad.

Seeing Tyler Seguin and the Stanley Cup.

Seeing Tyler Seguin and the Stanley Cup.

August 2011:

Playing in the pool at her cousins' house.

Climbing a slide at an indoor playground.

She pulled out her books and all her pjs.

On a train ride with her cousin Zach at Canada's Wonderland.

On the merry-go-round with Aunt Danna.

Infront of a Snoopy statue at Canada's Wonderland.

20w3d ultrasound.

Aurora participated in a research study and got this certificate.

Elmo swallowed Aurora!

Yet another toy she plays with more now than when she was a baby.

With her buddies at a Blue Jays game.

Jr. Jays day at the Blue Jays game.

Running the bases at the Jays game.

In a mock Bautista locker.

Wearing Bambie's shoes. She loves shoes!

24w3d ultrasound.

September 2011:
At Safari Niagara.

At Safari Niagara.

Our weekend away (sans-Aurora).

Sitting on everything, and calling everything a potty.

Feeding herself yogurt (it's messy but keeps her busy).

Apple picking at Chudleigh's Apple Farm.

Eating the apple she picked.

Top teeth!


October 2011:
A preview from our Fall family/maternity photo session.
Almost 3 feet tall!

The temperature went from having to wear warm clothes, a hat, and mittens to wearing a skirt and short-sleeved shirt so we took advantage and went to lots of parks.

In the garden at a local park.

On the move.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Modeling some new clothes.

Aurora and her baby. I must teach her to support the head! :)

Pumpkin patch!

Helping clean out the pumpkin for carving.

Our little duck on Halloween. She wouldn't quack though.

My do-it-yourself Halloween shirt.

Chris and Aurora on Halloween.

Bambie and Aurora on Halloween.

Out trick-or-treating.

November 2011 (just 1 photo so far):
35 weeks pregnant.