Christmas with an 18, almost 19, month old was so fun! Aurora loves unwrapping presents, and everything had to be immediately opened. It was fun to see which gifts excited her, which scared her, and which she didn't care about until the next day. She couldn't stop playing with her Littlest Pet Shop elephant from Auntie Amy, Uncle Todd, and cousins Lucy and Cole and wasn't interested in opening any other presents for a while afterwards. She was excited about her Cookie Monster toy while it was in the package but as soon as he spoke she got scared and ran away. It took Chris playing with it with the sound off for her to get relatively close. And yesterday was the first time she actually put the cookies in Cookie Monster's mouth; before that she was giving them to us to put in. She takes the puzzle pieces off her puzzles but gets frustrated trying to put them back and just leaves them lying on the floor. She's played cars, made music, pushed her babies around in their stroller and carried them in their carrier, and taken many pictures with her camera. We still need to blow up and assemble her ball pit/fort but I think that'll have to wait until the Christmas tree is gone so we have room.
Sophie slept through the entire gift opening process so we opened her presents for her. Although she may not appreciate what she got, Chris and I sure do!
We have no plans for New Years Eve/New Years Day. There are fireworks at both 9pm and midnight in downtown Brampton so I'm thinking of keeping Aurora up for the 9pm fireworks cuz we should be able to see them from our apartment (our window faces downtown and we were able to see them last year).

Sophie sleeping on some presents
2011 Sherwin family Christmas morning photo
Bambie and the girls
Aurora opening a present

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and all the best in 2012!
Happy New Year!
1 comment:
glad to see you had a good christmas and that aurora liked her elephant!
maybe we'll spend a christmas together one of these years...
merry christmas and happy new year!
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