I really suck at keeping this blog updated. I had planned to update it once a month and yet my last update was at the end of December. Tsk tsk. I really will try from now on. I think it’s possible since now Sophie, at least for naps and the first part of the night, sleeps in her bassinet! *happy dance* At this age
Aurora would only sleep in our arms or in bed with us. For those keeping score, that’s Sophie: 1,
Aurora: 0.
So here are our January, February, and March updates. You’ll see that we’re a pretty boring bunch.
January update:
Chris turned 31. As a family we went out for Indian Buffet for lunch. I got Aurora the non-Indian foods (pizza, pasta, chow mein) as I wasn’t sure if she’d eat the spicier food and she kept wanting what was on our plate. She ended up not eating the pizza, which is 1 of her favourite foods, and loved the butter chicken! Who knew! Sophie slept through the whole meal. Afterwards we dropped the girls off at my sister Danna’s and went to see Mission Impossible 3. It was a pretty good movie. And the baby/kid break was nice. The next day we went out for Dim Sum lunch with our friends. Aurora loved the noodles and again, Sophie slept through the whole meal.

We finally took our Christmas tree down in late January and put up the ball pit/fort that we got Aurora for Christmas. She loves it!!! She calls it her house, and loves to hide in it. We need more balls though as 20 is nowhere near enough.

Aurora played in the snow for the first time. She was a bit apprehensive and didn’t want to touch it or sit in it. She did end up clearing some snow so she could go up the stairs to the slide at the park but still wouldn’t play in it. However she loves looking at snow out the window and has played in it a few times more (we haven’t gotten much snow here this winter) and just the other day said, “snow, I love it!”.

February update:
Aurora went on a trampoline for the first time. At first she was apprehensive, but once she started running around, she loved it. We’ve gone back to the indoor playground where it is and she always go to the trampoline first. And since going on the trampoline she can now consistently jump with both feet, and gets some pretty good air. Sophie likes going to the indoor playground as well; I think she likes watching all the kids.
Sophie sat in the Bumbo for the first time and didn’t hate it. She’s getting better spending more time in it which is a nice break for my arms. Did I mention she does not like being put down. And if you put her down and walk away that’s 10X worse? I go to the washroom to the sound of crying.
We continued to do tummy time which Sophie tolerates and she is now a rolling machine! She can consistently roll from her tummy to her back, but hates when she does.
Aurora got another tooth, making that her 7th. 7 teeth at 21 months, what a slow teether. Tooth #7 is her top right first molar.
March update:
In the middle of the month we experienced some really nice weather so decided to go to a farm in Toronto. Aurora is really into animals lately and loved it! She wanted to feed a goat and ended up touching it's ear, and didn't want to leave the "piggies".

We also went to 2 birthday parties this month where Aurora experienced a bouncy castle for the first time (loved it!) and was petrified of a life sized Elmo (even though she loves watching Elmo's World and has 2 Elmos at home).
Aurora also got her 8th tooth, her right lower first molar.
Sophie giggled for the first time this month on March 4! It is the sweetest sound. Recently she has been having difficulty sleeping which I'm chaulking up to a 4 month sleep regression. Her naps have shortened and she wakes many times during the night. We're hoping that if we just keep doing what we've been doing that it'll correct itself.
How did I miss a new post for 5 days!
Love it!
Love your girls!
And your life sounds a lot more exciting than mine!
(And I like ! apparently)
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