Friday, September 17, 2010

She giggles!!!!!

And what a cute giggle it is!

This past Sunday (September 12) Chris got Aurora's first giggle out of her. Apparently Daddy sticking his tongue out is really funny. However, Mommy sticking her tongue out isn't. Unfortunately subsequent tongue sticking outing (?) by Chris didn't produce anymore Aurora giggles and so we didn't get any video.

This week I have tried and tried to get Aurora to giggle and she wouldn't. I assumed Aurora just doesn't find me funny, however today that all changed. It's surprising what a baby will giggle at. See for yourself:

Me saying "hi" is Aurora at least. And that's all that matters to me. I'm so happy that I caught her giggling on video. I could watch it forever, it makes me laugh and smile every time I see it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Look-alike Meter

My sister-in-law (Chris' sister) Amy introduced me to the Look-alike Meter when she did it for both her children and reported the very scientific findings on her blog. Everyone thinks Aurora looks like Chris, myself included, so I thought I'd try it out. The results may both shock and amaze you!

I even did it using different photos and got the same results. So it's official, Aurora looks like me just as much as she looks like Chris!