I think we're on our way to a birthday party for one of Aurora's friends.
Canoeing at the Toronto Zoo.
Outside the orangutan exhibit at the Toronto Zoo.
Birthday girls!
Aurora enjoying her birthday cupcake.
Aurora's going to be a big sister!
Proud grandparents.
Birthday dinner out (Nana, Grandpa, Aunt Danna, Uncle Rod, Zachary, Chris, and the 2 birthday girls).
Growth photo collage (I missed a 3 month photo cuz the giraffe was in storage).
June 2011:
13w6d ultrasound of Baby Sherwin 2.0.
Our 5 year wedding anniversary!
Drooling over pickles.
At her cousin Oliver's birthday party.
She plays in her bouncy chair now more than when she was a baby.
Aurora and the belly at 17 weeks pregnant.
Wagon ride.
July 2011:
Happy Canada Day!
At a play date.
Checking out the beluga whales at MarineLand.
Yummy cheese!
18w3d ultrasound.
At a splash pad.
Our sweet little girl.
Family portrait care of the iPad.
Seeing Tyler Seguin and the Stanley Cup.
Seeing Tyler Seguin and the Stanley Cup.
August 2011:

Playing in the pool at her cousins' house.
Climbing a slide at an indoor playground.
She pulled out her books and all her pjs.
On a train ride with her cousin Zach at Canada's Wonderland.
On the merry-go-round with Aunt Danna.
Infront of a Snoopy statue at Canada's Wonderland.
20w3d ultrasound.
Aurora participated in a research study and got this certificate.
Elmo swallowed Aurora!
Yet another toy she plays with more now than when she was a baby.
With her buddies at a Blue Jays game.
Jr. Jays day at the Blue Jays game.
Running the bases at the Jays game.
In a mock Bautista locker.
Wearing Bambie's shoes. She loves shoes!
24w3d ultrasound.
September 2011:
At Safari Niagara.
At Safari Niagara.
Our weekend away (sans-Aurora).
Sitting on everything, and calling everything a potty.
Feeding herself yogurt (it's messy but keeps her busy).
Apple picking at Chudleigh's Apple Farm.
Eating the apple she picked.
Top teeth!
October 2011:

A preview from our Fall family/maternity photo session.
Almost 3 feet tall!
The temperature went from having to wear warm clothes, a hat, and mittens to wearing a skirt and short-sleeved shirt so we took advantage and went to lots of parks.
In the garden at a local park.
On the move.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Modeling some new clothes.
Aurora and her baby. I must teach her to support the head! :)
Pumpkin patch!
Helping clean out the pumpkin for carving.
Our little duck on Halloween. She wouldn't quack though.
My do-it-yourself Halloween shirt.
Chris and Aurora on Halloween.
Bambie and Aurora on Halloween.
Out trick-or-treating.
35 weeks pregnant.