Every year around Halloween St. John's holds a 2 night Mardi Gras festival on George Street. The street is closed off and you pay entry to the street which gives you admission to all 22 pubs/bars/clubs on George Street. They have live music, a costume competition, and you can drink on the street. We went Saturday night dressed as a French Maid and a hippie. Chris wanted an original costume but because he couldn't think of anything, went as what I felt would be the easiest, and cheapest costume. As it turns out, he was the only hippie there so it ended up being original after all. For myself we again went with an easy and cheap costume so I was a French Maid. Of course there were a bunch of French Maids but I wasn't too concerned, I didn't really care how original mine was.
We watched the costume contest and cheered our favourite costume onto victory, bar hopped to about 10 out of the 22 bars, people and costume watched, and had a fun time. Sadly it would have been better with more people in our group as well as if we were drinking as all the drunk people seemed to be having an amazing time. However it's a St. John's event that we can say we experienced.
Us in our costumes
Nominees on stage 
Best costume winner: pterodactyl
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