Our little one is estimated to turn this duo into a trio on June 10, 2010. What a wonderful anniversary present this is! We were cautiously optimistic until we both had an ultrasound at 8w4d where we saw our little bean with a heartbeat and then heard the baby's heartbeat with a Doppler. Now we are beyond ecstatic about our impending little Sherwin (or baby bean as my sister Danna, and now nephew Zachary, calls him or her) and cannot wait to meet him or her. We will not be finding out the gender before birth; Chris doesn't want a bunch of gender specific colours before the baby is born and I want that surprise at the end of the journey. We have decided on a girl name but are still in discussions over a boy name. I thought we had agreed on one but apparently not!
As for how I'm doing, I've been suffering from morning sickness since before I got the positive home pregnancy test. I've thrown up a couple times but it's mostly all day nausea (and heartburn). With the morning sickness I had a decreased appetite (makes sense). I am now on Diclectin which I take at least twice a day and I am doing much better. My appetite has also recently returned (and then some). I am now going through a phase (or so I hope) where I am hungry all the time. I also was exhausted (think 2 hour naps a day) and felt like a zombie during the 1st trimester but now that I'm into the 2nd trimester I have more energy and am not as tired. I also have a little baby bump. Even though I wasn't feeling well during the 1st trimester I wouldn't trade any of this for the world and would experience it all again in a heartbeat. I found the symptoms to be comforting. And I love being pregnant!
I will try to update our blog more frequently now with belly photos and stories. Here are photos taken up to 14w, including our u/s photo.
Positive pregnancy test on October 6, 2009

Ultrasound at 8w4d on November 2, 2009
7w5d on October 27, 2009
10w on November 12, 2009
12w3d on November 29, 2009
13w on December 3, 2009
14w on December 10, 2009
Congrats guys! You look great Bambie, very healthy and happy! While we respect your decision about not finding out the baby's sex before birth, I must tell you that our household unanimously breathed a disappointed sigh upon hearing that :) Can't wait to see more pics to come!
Hooray!! I've been waiting for this post! I am so excited for you guys! Can't wait to hear more and see more of this impending arrival. And while the rest of the Sherwins will pressure you to go to Vancouver, I still think Edmonton is an excellent (after) anniversary trip.
Yay! This is my favourite entry! :)
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