Today we had our anatomy ultrasound. I am 19w1d pregnant. Chris got to see more of the ultrasound than I did as he was sitting at the foot of the bed while it was being done and the screen was facing him. The technician commented that the baby was very active (she seemed to be taking a bit longer to get measurements because of that) and Chris was amazed I hadn't felt a single movement during the whole ultrasound. Baby Bean (which isn't a bean anymore) was kicking, waving, grabbing his/her feet, and even stretched out his/her neck. When the tech was finally done taking the measurements the screen was turned my way and I finally got to see this little person growing inside of me. I couldn't believe that the little person on the screen, with moving limbs and a beating heart (we saw the chambers), was growing and developing inside me. Amazing!!!!! I got to see the baby kick it's legs and even wave at us. We also got to see the bottom of his/her feet. We didn't get the heartbeat reading nor hear it though. It was so incredibly cute and I realized how much I love this little person and I haven't even met them yet. Chris thought it was really cool to watch, and I think it made it more real for him because he hasn't felt movement yet whereas I have felt some (sporadically) so it was concrete evidence that there is a moving, growing person inside me. Chris thinks the baby looks like him LOL The tech said everything looked normal *phew* We were able to stay strong and didn't find out the gender. I must admit it was tempting though. Any guesses? We both say boy.
So here are photos of our pride and joy!
Full body, including an arm and legs crossed, just after waving to us.
4 fingers and thumb - woohoo!
Stretching his/her neck. Guess it's a little cramped in there.
Close-up profile shot.
Facing us (bit freaky looking)
In other news, I saw my GP on Wednesday and I'm measuring 'normal' for how far along I am. Everything is looking good and I've gained 7lbs so far. That's on the low end but with the m/s I've had (and still have), decreased appetite, and heartburn she said it happens and isn't worried.
Haven't taken a belly photo this week but will post when I do.