Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

We hope everyone had a fun and safe New Years Eve. We went to a house party a friend of mine was having. There were 12 of us there, and we watched the Canada vs USA World Juniors hockey game (Canada won 5-4 Yay!!!!) before the countdown. We brought 2010 in with sparklers and noise makers. On a whole we're happy to have 2009 overwith and are extremely excited for what 2010 brings. We wish you all a healthy and prosperous 2010!

Our last photo together of 2009

Our first photo together of 2010 (it was very windy and cold out)

In baby news, I may have felt movement. On Tuesday I felt what I can only describe as 2 bubbles bursting on the right side. It was a sensation I've never felt before which is why I think it was movement. I haven't felt anything since though so don't feel I can be 100% sure.

We have our ultrasound in 2 weeks and I can't wait! Last time we saw baby Sherwin he/she was just a tiny bean-like blob. This time we'll see a minature person with fingers and toes and facial features. It'll be really cool. We are still holding out and not finding out the gender although the difficulty we're having in agreeing on a boy's name is mildly making me think we should find out just to know if we're going through this stress for nothing. However we will stick to our guns and wait until the baby is born to know.

We recorded the baby's Christmas heartbeat and thought it'd be cool to share with everyone. It's such a wonderful sound and very reassuring to hear. I listen it it 2-3 times a week. We also took a belly photo on New Year's Eve when I was 17w on the dot!

Heartbeat at 16w1d on Christmas

17w on New Year's Eve

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy New Year guys! We wish you all the best for 2010!