33w on April 22, 2010.

34w on April 29, 2010.

35w1d on May 7, 2010.
Also, here's a video of belly movement at 33w3d. The baby is very camera shy and I've tried numerous times to capture movement on camera. This is the best I've been able to get even though the baby moves most of the time.
In case your not freaking out enough, and due to my fascination with pregnancy tickers - you have less than 30 days!! (Hopefully...) until the baby comes!! Sleep now while you still can. And buy something for yourself before you feel guilty about spending money not on the baby. And go out on a whim - no plans, just go.
Because, goodness, that is coming quick!!
(And in case you aren't freaking out but impatiently waiting for that little bundle - you have less than 30 days!! Hooray! And babies/kids are totally worth it - but your life is forever changed once they come.)
PS - I will email you sometime soon, but we are going to be in Hawaii on your due date and if the baby comes you still need to call me so I'll send you my cell number.
Thanks Amy! No, not freaking out (yet) but waiting very very impatiently. 1 - I'm super uncomfy and 2 - I wanna meet our baby!!!!
Have fun in Hawaii and we'll definitely give you a call!
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