Chris wanted to share this photo with everyone as it is now his favourite photo of Aurora. Another mommy I know knits these beautiful hats and I asked her to knit this brown and pink monkey hat (see the ears?) for Aurora. We think the hat is absolutely adorable and on Aurora it's even more precious. Chris especially likes that her top lip is a bit taut just like a monkey's.

I also wanted to share this video of Aurora rolling...sort of. I just turned off the camera and didn't expect she'd roll right away and so I caught the tail end of the roll. She doesn't roll often enough that I've captured a full roll but I hope to soon. And she hasn't rolled from back to tummy yet so no video of that.
at first i didn't see the ears, just thought the hat had a large brim. i get it now though, just a little slow.
she is very cute though! and i love the rolling. i'm waiting for cole to figure out that trick. problem is he likes tummy time and has no motivation to get out of it...
oh, and i also meant to add:
i cannot believe that she is almost 6 months old!! time is a-going!
She doesn't roll much. Not that she enjoys tummy time that much but just doesn't wanna roll. And she still hasn't rolled back to tummy!
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