Friday, December 30, 2011
Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 26, 2011
Our newest family member
In the middle of the night on November 25 I felt a gush when I changed positions. Then that morning I felt another gush while standing holding Aurora. I was concerned my water was leaking slowly. Luckily I had an OB appt early that afternoon and the
I was checked by the doctor in Labour and Delivery around 2:30a and was 1cm and I believe the baby was high. I was moved to a birthing room at 4:30a. My nurse asked me if I wanted an epidural and at what point and I told her yes but wanted to be checked to see how far along as I was as I didn’t want to get it early and seem like a wimp. At that point the contractions were painful but manageable. I was 2cm and 60% effaced. The anaesthesiologist was next door doing an epi and I was given the option of getting it then. I agreed to that because really, why be in pain if I didn’t have to be? I got the epidural at 4:50a, and I did not remember it being that painful with Aurora. The pressure was incredible. I had a contraction while getting the epidural and tried my hardest not to move; it’s hard to say which hurt more, getting the epi or the contraction. Once I had the epidural I was in heaven! I couldn’t feel a thing. The epi took better this time than it did with Aurora as with Aurora I was still in pain and pressing my top up button fairly frequently. I was given oxytocin at 5:20a because my contractions were 4-5 minutes apart and they wanted them to be 2-3 minutes apart. At this point I tried to sleep but feel I really only rested and closed my eyes. It certainly didn’t feel like I slept. Around 6a I was experiencing a lot of pain. It started on my left side and moved to my entire lower abdomen as well as my thighs. I was having difficulty breathing through the contractions, and felt it would be helpful to kick my legs whenever I was having a contraction. Chris had to keep reminding me to breath through the contractions. At some point I was given an oxygen mask because baby’s heartrate was extremely affected by the contractions. My nurse said to give my top up button some time to kick in and if in half an hour I was still in pain she’d get the anaesthesiologist. She also checked my progress and I was 4cm dilated. My nurse ended up having to get the anaesthesiologist and around 6:45a my epi was increased. I was in heaven again once that kicked in. At 7:30a I was told I was fully dilated but they wanted my freezing to wear off a bit for pushing. My nurse also left at this time as her shift was over; I was disappointed she wouldn’t be there for the birth as we got to know and liked her. Very shortly after my nurse left, the doctor came in and told me to hold my legs and start pushing. I couldn’t feel a thing and so just told myself to push like I did for Aurora At 7:43a, after approximately 5 minutes of pushing, second daughter was born! Chris watched the whole thing and once the baby was out he looked at me and said, in a shocked voice, “it’s a girl”. My response: “really?????” I was so sure we were having a boy. I tried looking through my legs to make sure he was right. We hummed and hawed over her name for a bit as it was between Sophie and Madison, and ended up naming her Sophie Laine. Sophie weighed 7lbs 13oz (heavier than Aurora), measured 19.5” long (shorter than Aurora), and her head circumference was 35cm (slightly bigger than Aurora).
When Aurora met Sophie that morning, she was instantly in love. She was very excited and giggling, beeped her nose a lot and asked for “up high”s (high 5s), and even sang Happy Birthday to her. She calls her “Dophie” which now seems to have become a nickname for her. It was great to see Aurora so welcoming of her little sister. I can’t wait to watch them grow up together and hopefully be the best of friends.
It’s been a big adjustment going from a family of 3 to a family of 4. I find it hard to divide my time between both girls, and decide who to go to when they both need me at the same time. Getting out of the house in a timely fashion is a rarity. And I have to do most things, baby-wise and in general, due to Chris' health. I'm exhausted. But luckily Aurora is quite independent and not at all jealous of Sophie, and she loves to read so we snuggle and read a lot while I’m breastfeeding (or watch Yo Gabba Gabba).
And now for photos:
Our first family of 4 photo
Fast asleep and swaddled at the hospital
Sporting a handmade knit hat by a friend of mine (I tried to knit one as well but that didn't go so well. It's still not finished.)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Photo update