In January Chris celebrated his 32nd birthday. The girls decorated a shirt from him at daycare with their hand prints (so cute!), we got him a 49ers hat, and had dinner at Boston Pizza. On January 12 Aurora and I went on a mommy-daughter date to the movies. Aurora doesn’t go to the movies often so it’s a real treat for her and she is very well behaved. She loves getting popcorn! This time we went to see Rise of the Guardians and she did get bored about 60 minutes in and started walking around and playing with the seats. There were only 2 other people there so I think it was necessary to stop her. After about 10 minutes of playing around she sat back down and finished watching the movie. We also got a lot of snow in January and went tobogganing down the little hill behind my sister’s house. Aurora loves the snow, and loves tobogganing! Sophie, on the other hand, hates the white stuff. She doesn’t even want people playing in the snow near her. She doesn’t like touching it or walking in it or really even looking at it lol
Big news for January – Sophie got teeth!!!! 4 of them (well, technically 3 since the first came on December 29). She got her top central incisors first and then her bottom central incisors. It’s so crazy how much teeth can change a child’s smile.
For Valentine’s Day Aurora and I made heart shaped crayons that she gave to her friends at daycare. It’s really cool to do; break apart a bunch of crayons (or if you’re like us you already have a bunch that are broken), put them in silicone muffin tins (ours were heart shaped and I got it at Dollarama), and bake. The wax melts, the colours mix, and then the wax cools and hardens to make a multicolour crayon. We also went out to Boston Pizza for heart-shaped pizza. And yes, I realize we went to BP 2 months in a row but honestly, it is a very easy restaurant to take young kids to. And we have a stamp card to get a free kid’s meal with every adult meal so it saves us money too. Also in February we celebrated Family Day. Gotta love long weekends! We started the day off with some painting which always involves Sophie trying to eat the paint and then getting upset and crying when I won’t let her. After that we went to PAMA (Peel Art Gallery, Museum, and Archives) for some Family Day Festivities. Aurora and I made a paper canoe, we checked out some paintings, the girls played with some blocks, checked out the old jail, and playing with the Zoosemobile. Think Dr. Suess meets Stomp! Aurora had a blast banging away on the drums. And of course we played in the snow some more. Now that I was onto Sophie’s dislike of snow, she would stay home with Chris and Aurora and I would go outside and play. We made snow angels, snow castles, and slid down the hill behind our apartment on our bums. I tried to get us a sled but they were all sold out. Next Winter I’ll get one in November!
Big news for February – Aurora got a ‘big girl’ bed! Thanks to Kijiji I got the Ikea Mammut toddler bed I had been eyeing but didn’t want to spend the money on. We transitioned her from her crib to a bed Family Day long weekend. She had been sleeping in a bed at day care for a while, and had been asking to sleep in our bed or on the couch, so we figured it was time. It hasn’t been a smooth transition but she’s doing better. We started with a sticker chart as her reward and when she filled a row with stickers (7) she’d get a treat. It worked for about 3 weeks and then she didn’t care anymore so I had to think of a new reward. She now gets 4 Cadbury mini eggs when she wakes up if she doesn’t cry at bed time, doesn’t play, and sleeps in her room by herself all night. If she has a perfect week she gets a big reward on Saturday. Hopefully the novelty of this doesn’t wear off.

On March 2nd we celebrated my nephew Zachary’s 6th birthday with a bowling party. Initially Aurora was overwhelmed by the sights and sounds and just wanted to be held but about an hour into the 2 hour party she was dancing around and bowling. Sophie just wanted to be held the whole time, but not by me! She wanted anyone but me. It was pretty funny; she’d cry if someone tried to hand her back to me. On March 3rd I volunteered at Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation’s Dance to Conquer Cancer. It was a super fun event with lots of dancing, great food and drink, and Richard Simmons!!! On March 9th Sophie participated in a follow up study at UofT in their Infant Language and Development Lab. Both my kids have become quite the guinea pigs. We also did some fun activities and science ‘experiments’ in March. We made a rainbow volcano which basically was baking soda and vinegar coloured with food colouring. Both Aurora and I thought it was pretty fun to watch the baking soda bubble when she’d drop coloured vinegar on it (and equally as fun when she started putting the baking soda into the vinegar). We made moon sand (8 cups flour, 1 cup baby oil). Moon sand is so cool! It’s sculptable, crumbly, ‘sand’. You can build with it like wet sand but it also is very soft and crumbly like dry sand. Aurora and Zachary had a blast playing with it. Sophie didn’t want to touch it. We also decorated Easter eggs and tried using cookie cutters and stamps while painting.
Big news for March – I got a job!!!! My current job is a contract position covering a maternity leave and ends April 12. I’ve been panicking and super stressed about finding another job. I had applied to numerous positions, had a few interviews, and finally got a job as a Clinical Data Coordinator at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in clinical trials in the Division of Medical and Oncology Hematology’s. I start April 15.

1 comment:
I don't think I'm the only person that reads your blog. Okay, maybe I am, but that doesn't make it any less of a reason to keep it up.
And I actually usually know more than Mom about what you guys are up to thanks to the magic of facebook.
I do love the updates and the cute faces though!!
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