So I had to wait a week for my next doctor's appointment. In the meantime the sore throat resolved and I started to get itching on my torso where the rib pain was. A couple of days later I noticed a rash, which has progressed into...SHINGLES! UGH!
Aren't they lovely? And they're suppose to get worse. Yuck!
You can only get shingles if you've already had chicken pox. Who knew having chicken pox as a child would come back and bite me in the ass 19 years later.
I was sent home from work today because it can be contagious (if you haven't had chicken pox) and dangerous to the elderly and pregnant women (after I checked in a pregnant woman I may add - hope she'll be ok!) but should be ok to work on Monday. Until then it's taking all my will power not to scratch, and calamine lotion is my new best friend.
Luckily Chris had chicken pox as a child so he can't catch anything from me.
You never had chicken pox??? That's so weird. I hope you aren't in too much pain from the shingles. I hear (at least from my elderly patients) that they are quite painful...
I had chicken pox which is why I have shingles now. You can only get shingles if you've had chicken pox because the virus lays dormant then rears it's ugly head whenver it wants. However, if you haven't had chicken pox you can get them from a person who has shingles.
They feel very prickly and sensitive to touch, and itchy beyond belief!!!
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